
Pretty Sunset ...

A very nice sunset from the other night. This is taken from the back deck panning across Robinhood cove ...


Lobstah Rolls

We're in Maine on vacation and when you're in Maine one of the things you do is eat lobstah rolls (as well as various types of fried seafood)... delicious!


Eastern Wash trip

We had a great trip over to Rocktail on Diamond Lake in eastern Washington over the weekend. Doug and Denise are fantastic hosts and their home there is beautiful. Lots of swimming, waterskiing, and hanging out. Audrey came up from Oakland too. Below is a video (sorry if its a little long) and some shots of Doug and Denise skiing on a perfect morning.


Grandma Jean visits

Grandma Jean came up from Vancouver for a couple days to do some babysitting for us. Daniel loves his Grandma. They hung out in Fremont for an afternoon and then Jean took on the bedtime ritual Tuesday night ...


Bath and Exersaucer snaps.

Is an exersaucer like a Kleenex, Bic, etc. or is it an actual thing? I don't know and am not sure I actually care but was wondering as we got a hand-me-down version. After wiping off some other child's drool Daniel was ready to take a turn in it. It took him awhile to figure out but then he started to get very into it ... Also, first up are some cute shots from the bath last night ...

Also, there is more pool vid but it has to be edited first.


Tide Pool Vid.

Ready to go tide pooling ...

Since its a balmy 65 degress here today Daniel is a little bundled up to go tide pooling today in West Seattle. Today is supposed to be one of the lowest tides of the year so there should be lots to see. Hopefully we'll have a video of all the fun up later ... He looks excited, doesn't he?