
Pilot hat

Daniel looks pretty cute in this pilot hat. All of his other hats pop off his head right now and this one seems to stay on pretty good...



Daniel almost 4 weeks old ...

It is hard to believe that Daniel was born almost 4 weeks ago. He is definitely getting bigger and looking older.


Thanks for the sweater Grandma!

Looks good and great job on size. Thanks!!


Guido visits ...

Guido came by last night to wake up Daniel and get a free meal.


Daniel loves chillin' in the boppy ... he looks big sitting up like that, not too big - he does have a pacifier in his mouth.


A sad day for the Cumming family and for OPEC.

In non-child related news, and in a blow to California's efforts to curb vehicle emissions, the Jeep left today for sunny LA. We had lots of great times in that rig and maybe one day it will come back ...


Grandma Jean.

Shan's Mom came for a visit to see her grandson and to help out for a couple of days. Look at those slippers! Emma is getting ready to pounce!


Everything but a Burp.

Many different faces while being burped. All he really wanted to do was sit up and mug for the camera. He likes the sound of the shutter which makes catching his eyes pretty easy. Also, our french nanny Freddie left today, we are very sorry to see her go she was a huge help! But because we asked for a workweek longer than 20 hours and would not give her 3 hour lunches she had to quit...Happy Birthday Mom! Can't wait to see you guys soon.


This looks comfortable.

Daniel curled into a fetal position yesterday which apparently is still a pretty natural position for him...


It takes a village ...

... or specifically a mother, a friend from LA by way of France, the internet, and a Jindo dog.


Dinner and a bath

Our friend Freddie is staying with us for the week and helping out. Last night she made a traditional dish from the Alps called tartiflette. Delicious! It was then time for a bath - for Daniel specifically. He was a chill little bugger afterwards and was tripping out on a lamp when I took this pic...


The boys ...

More visitors - Dennis and Tiffany came by for a visit today and Daniel wore his favorite onesy for the occasion...


More visitors ...

Our friends from LA Freddie and Mark came for a visit. Today is their anniversary (nine years, congratulations!) and Mark's birthday (I won't put a number there ...). When they arrived I brought them into the kitchen to meet Daniel who I had placed on top of the dishwasher in his basket while the dishwasher ran. He dug the vibrations, sounds and heat. They were a bit flabbergasted and I suppose if I were Brittany Spears I would have made the cover of Us. Freddie is going to stay for a whole week to help Shan out as I get back to work. These 9 days have flown by and I have gotten used to being at home. It will be hard to start focusing on work but my company has a terrible paternity plan and the boss is a total slave driver so its slowly back to work on Monday.


A visit

Today our friend Christine came for a visit to see the little guy. It was great to see her and she got some solid cuddle time. She then left for some fabulous evening plans I'm sure. We're talking about going to bed as its already 7:30. Also, here's a shot of Emma lest she not feel too left out.


He's a little monkey.

Beautiful day in Seattle today and Daniel has got the onesy going on - a little slacker chic. Shan thinks he has my legs but my legs aren't that skinny; those have to come from his grandfather.


digs his Dad

Chris has to work a little harder than I do to get a smile out of Daniel, (I just feed him), but fortunately for all of us he finds his Dad amusing and easy to catch some sleep with. I dont know what I'm going to do once Chris goes back to work. So far, it takes all we've both got to care for him!

Looks a bit like a redhead.

The joke (or my joke) was that we were going to end up with a 6'9" redheaded goon for a son. Hmm, it looks like the red hair might be happening, especially in this picture. I do love how much is skin and hair color look like Shan's here.


Link to a Picasa album

Here's a link to see more photos of Daniel's birth ...
Daniel's Birth

He sleeps ...

Pretty light yesterday and a nap in the afternoon. A little biased but we think he's pretty cute. He is sleeping a fair amount just not at the most ideal times. But, he's only a few days old so we're rolling with it ...